Hand Care for CrossFit

Hand Care for CrossFit

  Body maintenance is a secret to longevity in sports and athletics.  We see an example in LeBron James, who is arguably one of the best players ever to play basketball. LeBron splashes sizable amounts...
Uses for Kinesio Tape in Physical Therapy

Uses for Kinesio Tape in Physical Therapy

  The use of Kinesio tape for physical therapy has been in practice since its innovation in the 1970s by Japanese Chiropractor Kinesio Kase. The treatment option is used if a person has suffered an...
Why Bodybuilders Need Athletic Tape | Hampton Adams

Why Bodybuilders Need Athletic Tape | Hampton Adams

Have you ever watched the Olympics or other competitive matches and wondered why the athletes have tape all over them? Well, you are not alone. Athletic tapes are growing more in popularity as a treatment...
Kinesiology Tape to Reduce Injury and Improve Recovery

Kinesiology Tape to Reduce Injury and Improve Recovery

  Having second skin is probably one of an athlete's biggest dreams. Falling, spraining your knee, and rising back up to peel off the damaged skin and poof! You’re back to normal. You can only...
How to Tape Your Hands for Power-Lifting

How to Tape Your Hands for Power-Lifting

Athletic tape worn over the thumb and other hand parts is undoubtedly famous among fitness enthusiasts today - especially lifters. Its flexibility, adaptability, simple designs, and ease of use has put these tapes in high...
Why Waterproof K-Tape?

Why Waterproof K-Tape?

An athletic tape is an excellent tool for helping to support weak ankles and knees. It keeps joints in place and can help you prevent injury before it happens. But what exactly makes one brand...
Preventing Cramps with K-Tape

Preventing Cramps with K-Tape

  Muscles are comparable to fuels in vehicles or batteries in machines. They give power to the body they are inside.  Now, there are times when this is exhausted, or the battery could run out...
How to Apply Tape for Ankle Stability?

How to Apply Tape for Ankle Stability?

  The ankle is often not spared from injuries in competitive settings, training sessions, or daily life routines. It is a weight-bearing joint, and managing its injuries or safeguarding against them is a big deal....
Utilizing Kinesiology Tape for Shoulder Support

Utilizing Kinesiology Tape for Shoulder Support

Sports and movement have great physical and mental health benefits. However, they also take a toll on the body. Shoulder pain is one of the common injuries incurred by athletes, and is often left untreated....