Athletic Tape is a Must-Have for Every First Aid Kit

Athletic Tape is a Must-Have for Every First Aid Kit


As an athlete, all you want to do is get your body moving and reach your top performance. Unfortunately, due to all the wear and tear you have done to your body, it may become common for you to experience pain, inflammation, and other muscle-related injuries.

This is why athletes need to have  athletic tapes  ready in their first-aid kits. If you ever wondered why they are essential for athletes, then this article is for you! Keep reading to learn the many benefits of the device in injury-related situations.

The Things Athletic Tapes Can Do for an Athlete

Yes, it is hard to deny that there are still some debates regarding its efficacy. There are people out there who question the therapeutic benefits it promises. Still, the use of such a tape has become more common in the last few years. If you are not familiar with it, here are some of the benefits it offers for an athlete like you.

Improved Muscle Strength

Those who have used these tapes reported that they experienced improved muscle strength as well as maximized field performance. While contrasting experts believe that this is just a placebo effect, there are a lot of users who agree with what the athletic tape fans say.

These tapes also help the muscles minimize the potential of damage to joints. The support provided by this device allows for additional room between the bones. For this reason, many athletes have made use of these tapes in important joints like knees and shoulders.

Proper Movement and Posture 

You can also use athletic tape to help you correct your movement and posture at the same time. With a certain application technique, the tape will be able to provide your body the much-needed feedback, resulting in appropriate stance and motion.

The treatment of lower back discomfort with proper posture is one example of this situation. In this instance, four athletic tape straps will be used to maintain the patient's upright posture and healthy back alignment.

Experts in the field refer to this technique as the proprioceptive input. This technique allows our body to understand the way it should move. While it may take some time (and a lot of tape) to achieve the desired result, it is worth a try.

Accelerated Recovery Period

Proper blood and bodily fluid circulation is what we need to treat muscle injuries effectively. Thankfully, an athletic tape offers a "stretch and lift" approach that provides extra room between the skin's layers. This will boost the flow in our lymphatic system and, therefore, enhance our recovery process.

To achieve this goal, you will need to apply the tape in a crossover pattern. The main reason for this is to mimic our body's lymphatic channels. Once the tape is applied, our skin will experience changes in pressure gradient and more fluid will flow into those areas. This, consequently, will result in faster recovery.

Comfort and Practicality

Ultimately, athletic tape serves as a much more affordable and comfortable option than other similar options such as braces and wraps. While it may not be suitable for severe injuries, this kind of tape works wonderfully for light injuries, especially in emergencies. 

Athletic tape, in contrast to the extremely rigid brace, allows for the movement of your joints and muscles. You can also choose different tape strength levels to suit your needs. This is undoubtedly a significant plus because it will be easy for you to move around.

On top of that, from an aesthetic point of view, athletic tape is much more pleasing to look at than braces and wraps. It comes in various fun colors and, if you want to be discreet about it, you can cover it with your ordinary clothing.

The Best Time to Use Athletic Tapes

From all the explanations above, you should understand how powerful the athletic tape can be in a first-aid kit. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that it is not a cure-all device. Here are some of the best times to use this kind of tape.

  • Ankle Injuries
  • Once you sustain an ankle injury, you are more likely to do so again in the future. So, if you ever suffer from it, then you should always have the athletic tape prepared in your field backpack or emergency box. 

    It is even better to use the tape ahead of any game that puts your ankles at risk for harm. The tape can provide stability and support to your ankle, especially during elevated movements and quick changes in direction.

    • Sore Knees

    Athletic tapes can also help with knee-related injuries like MCL sprains. When applied correctly, the tape will prevent any undesired motion in that area, minimizing the chance of re-injury. This, without a doubt, is very beneficial for sportsmen like you.

    For this kind of situation, a rigid athletic tape usually works best. It can also be used in tandem with a knee brace. Depending on the stage of the knee injury, different application techniques may be needed.

    • Injury-Prone Sports

    You should also use athletic tape if you are involved in a sport that involves kicks, swings, and other fast movements. However, in this case, you should make sure that you use the right kind of tape to avoid any movement restrictions.

    An elastic adhesive bandage is usually the most appropriate tape model in such a situation. Unlike the rigid one, it provides an extended stretch range. Moreover, it is available in both tearable and non-tearable versions.

    • Weightlifting

    While you may think that weightlifting does not involve a lot of muscle movements, it demands a great amount of muscle support. For this reason, athletic tape can be especially beneficial for weightlifters.

    You can use the device to support numerous areas such as your elbow, shoulder, and upper arm. The application of the tape on these areas will not only reinforce them but also keep them aligned properly.

    Important Tips for Using Athletic Tapes

    The most important thing to remember before using athletic tape is that it is not a silver bullet for all your muscle injuries. Also, even if you already feel its benefits, it is essential to know that it will only provide you assistance to some extent.

    Moreover, you should also understand the different athletic tape types available. You should know the different rigidity levels available and choose one that is appropriate to your needs. The more support you need the more rigid the tape should be.

    Most importantly, you should understand whether you have skin sensitivity issues or not. If you happen to have one, you should wear an under wrap before applying the athletic tape. It is usually made from cotton or foam.

    Where to Buy Athletic Tapes

    Thank goodness, it is now easier than ever to get the best athletic tape for your first-responder kit. If you don't know where to go, Hampton Adams can be a great place to start. This online store not only has various kinds of athletic tape products but also has friendly staff who will be very happy to help you find what you need. 

    The Takeaway

    Athletic tapes can do a lot of wonders, especially for athletes and sportsmen who are facing injuries or in the recovery period. It's a good thing that the device has become more accessible today. This allows professional and non-professional sports enthusiasts to perform at their best without fear of experiencing muscle injuries.