Benefits of Kinesiology Taping the Spine

Benefits of Kinesiology Taping the Spine

Spine injuries are painful injuries that tend to steal any athlete's dreams. It is common among athletes who are involved in contact sports and aquatics athletes. Injury to the Spine might hinder the ability to move the individual's lower body, but if the athlete is lucky enough, they should be able to walk. Kinesiology tapes can be beneficial for such athletes.

Taping the Spine

Kinesiology is a form of treatment that focuses on restoring normal conditions to the joints and muscles of an injured person. It is a form of Sports treatment that can be used on almost any body part. Although how effective Taping works on spine injury is yet to be proven, it is no doubt that Taping the Spine helps ease lower back pain, amongst other benefits, which will be discussed more in this article. The K tape is the most favorable type for spine  injuries. Here are some benefits of K taping the spine:

The Adequate Circulation Around the Spine

An adequate flow of blood and body fluids is necessary for injuries to heal. In this case, the required nutrients needed for repairing the affected part, the Spine, are obtained through the circulation of body fluids. Taping the Spine helps lift the skin and allows proper blood and body fluids to flow in and out of the affected area, thereby accelerating the recovery.

Muscle Support  and Improved Posture

Taping the Spine helps to make the affected spine area erect. It assists the back muscles with adequate standing support, especially from a prone position. It also helps restore the athlete's good posture and gives support during healing. It tends to reduce pain around the affected area and protect the muscles and Spine from slipping out of place again. The posture improvement increases recovery and allows more mobility to the injured Spine.

Reduce Swelling of the Affected Area

The injured Spine will cause back swelling, leading to more pain, especially if bruised against a rough surface by mistake. The tape helps reduce the swelling by indirectly applying a gentle force while allowing blood and lymph circulation. These body fluids help transport antibodies that can help fight infections, reducing swelling. The tapes also prevent direct contact of the affected area with surfaces that can inflict more pain.

Reduction of Nerve Endings Pain

The Spine is an essential skeleton of the central nervous system of the human body. It encases the spinal cord, so injury to the Spine might cause aggravating pain in other areas of the body drastically. By Taping the Spine and allowing decompression of the affected area, the nerve endings are relieved of pressure and, with time, reduce the excruciating pain felt around that area and other parts of the body to which it spreads.

Prevention of Fatigue 

Fatigue is a common after-effect of an injured area. The muscles around the Spine, also in recovery, tend to contract and get worn out quickly, especially if the athlete returns to sports during the healing process. Taping the Spine helps to provide the best support and helps sustain the athlete to the end of the competition. Taping also helps to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible.

Body Awareness

Although a psychological benefit, taping the Spine helps to remind the athlete of the injury, the use of tapes helps the athlete to train or participate within their limit and prevents them from increasing the degree of the damage. The tapes come in varied colors, and each significantly determines the degree of the injury. It helps to keep the athlete in the accurate and correct position mentally and physically during participation. 

Best Practices to Reduce Spine Injuries and Complications

Always Wear the Right Equipment 

For athletes that participate in contact sports and tend to sustain spine injuries, ensure such athletes wear the appropriate and correct gear to prevent the damages that might halt the athlete's career. Helmets and shoulder straps should be worn during contact sports to avoid the direct effect of blows on the lower head and neck, which can cause injuries to the Spine.

Workout Regularly 

This is a rule all athletes must obey to prevent injury. Training the body to become accustomed to overstretching the muscles and using the bones at all times helps during the main sports. Even as a professional in any sport, ensure you undergo the necessary workout routine before engaging in the main sports. 

Keep Hydrated 

The body of an athlete is quite demanding. Asides from nutrients to keep the body fit and in shape, enough water is essential to prevent spine injuries as it helps to improve circulation. Avoid training in scorching conditions and wear light clothing during training. This way, there is proper aeration of the skin and the muscles. Although performing work, you are getting relaxed simultaneously. If the back muscles are healthy, they help to stabilize and support the Spine properly.

Know Your Limit

Knowing your limit as an athlete prevents you from sustaining severe injuries. Give the sport your best but do not let it have the best of you. Spine injuries are no joke, and inflicting it upon yourself as a means of going extra should not be done. Grow gradually and become the athlete you wish to become while preventing severe injuries.

Communication With Your Physiotherapist 

Athletes do not need to sustain injuries first before having a Physiotherapist. Regular checkups are required to prevent injuries. When you feel the slightest inconvenience around the Spine area, communicate with your Physiotherapist and explain the situation. Do not underestimate pain, and ensure adequate treatment if diagnosed.

Watch Out for Others During the Game

Winning is the joy of any athlete, but tearing your body down to win should not even be some motivation. During gameplay, ensure you keep your eyes on the field. Watch the flow of the game and watch the other players around you. Avoid direct contact of your neck with other players to prevent spine injuries. 

Kinesiology Spine Tape Precautions 

  1. Do not apply Kinesiology tapes too tightly but firm enough to keep the Spine in place.
  2. If you sustain a spine injury and the skin is irritated or bruised, do not apply the tape directly on the affected skin.
  3. Avoid direct contact of the tape with sunlight and stay away from hot environments.
  4. Only use the tapes for 3-4 days on average.
  5. Use the appropriate tape color according to the effect you want the tape to have on your Spine.
  6. Do not use your hands to touch the glue when applying the tape. Avoid the glue coming in contact with any surface before applying it to the skin around the Spine.
  7. Applying a spine tape by oneself is quite difficult. Get a family member to assist you. You can also visit your Physiotherapist when you need to change the tapes. They are professionals and will ensure to position the tape appropriately so the tape’s effect can be impacted on the Spine.
  8. Ensure the skin around the Spine is clean and dry before applying the tape. 
  9. You can sleep with Kinesiology tapes; however, ensure you change them during the required intervals.
  10. If the tape gets wet, pat it dry with a hand towel. Please do not use a hand dryer to dry it, as the tape is to be kept away from heat.

First Aid for Spine Injuries

  • If a spine injury occurs during a game, the first aid treatment should be a heavy towel on both sides of the neck. This will help prevent movement of the affected area. 
  • Keep the protective gear worn by the athlete and ensure you get assistance from another person when carrying or moving the injured athlete. Movement of the affected area will cause more severe damage than expected, and the pain will be unbearable for the injured athlete. 
  • Do not carry or roll the injured athlete alone; ensure someone else supports you. Get the wounded athlete to a professional for adequate treatment as quickly as possible.


As earlier said, spine injuries can take away an athlete's dreams.  Kinesiology sports tapes  can prevent severe spine injuries. It helps to provide comfort as you walk through your healing route or even during the games to avoid injuries. Do not let the athletic you be brought to an end. It is also noteworthy that the benefits of Kinesiology taping the spines is not just for athletes! Get the best spine tapes for your spine injuries here.