Why Bodybuilders Need Athletic Tape | Hampton Adams

Why Bodybuilders Need Athletic Tape | Hampton Adams

Have you ever watched the Olympics or other competitive matches and wondered why the athletes have tape all over them? Well, you are not alone. Athletic tapes are growing more in popularity as a treatment...
How to Tape Your Hands for Power-Lifting

How to Tape Your Hands for Power-Lifting

Athletic tape worn over the thumb and other hand parts is undoubtedly famous among fitness enthusiasts today - especially lifters. Its flexibility, adaptability, simple designs, and ease of use has put these tapes in high...
Why Waterproof K-Tape?

Why Waterproof K-Tape?

An athletic tape is an excellent tool for helping to support weak ankles and knees. It keeps joints in place and can help you prevent injury before it happens. But what exactly makes one brand...
Preventing Cramps with K-Tape

Preventing Cramps with K-Tape

  Muscles are comparable to fuels in vehicles or batteries in machines. They give power to the body they are inside.  Now, there are times when this is exhausted, or the battery could run out...
Bandage Wraps for Pets | Hampton Adams

Bandage Wraps for Pets | Hampton Adams

The world of care does not stop at the individual self.  Our home and companions also compose a critical component of our mental health. Now taking care of our loved ones includes our pets. Our...
Why do Athletes Wear Athletic Tape?

Why do Athletes Wear Athletic Tape?

It's about drive; it's about power, we stay hungry. Okay, so quoting a song about determination while regarding athletic tape might seem a little on the nose, it does address the general idea and answers...
Sports Items Every Athlete Should Own

Sports Items Every Athlete Should Own

If you are into sports, you need to know which sports items are necessary for training and performing consistently.  A Good Water bottle As an athlete, it is no doubt that staying hydrated is a...
How to Apply Adhesive Tape?

How to Apply Adhesive Tape?

Pain is a curious body sensation; it works as a warning from the body telling the person, "Hey! We just twisted the ankle, and it hurt! Stop running, or at least slow down to take...
Sports Tape for Muscle Support

Sports Tape for Muscle Support

Any sports practitioner that has trained in any particular discipline for a prolonged time has experienced the pain that strained, pulled, or hit muscles can generate. It can happen at any moment across all the...